mckibben argues that

While Lurie's attitude about his affair with Melanie Issacs is representative of the former Apartheid reality, Melanie's ultimate response reveals the changes Lurie must adapt to in the post-Apartheid society. --Jonathan Franzen, "Carbon Capture," 2015, online article with no page "75 percent of American Christians think the saying 'God helps those who help themselves' can be found in the Bible," he writes. The novel mostly concerns the way African American communities both include and exclude those members who have violated community mores or who have become dislocated in ways that cause them to live on the moral or social margins. Portes and Armony (2018) posed an interesting question about the reason why there has been such little progress improving the transportation system in Miami: "[W]hat good is it to build a multibillion-dollar rapid transit system when a few decades from now it may be underwater?" "Despite its title, Sula actually has three protagonists: Shadrack, Sula/Nel, and the community of black people who live in the Bottom. with no page numbers, quote is from paragraph 13 Gardner explains that few tasks in life require being able to read passages quickly or solve math problems quickly (23). "Toni Morrison's Sula begins and ends with death: The "prologue" to the novel tells of the death of both a neighborhood and its characteristic way of life, and the "epilogue," . In Sula, Morrison seems to be more concerned with the internal social dynamics of the black community of The Bottom and "characters who each signify an adaptation to . Solar panels are a means of democratizing access to energy. "zapped while zipping" and "We all got problems. At the same time, she develops a rich irony by juxtaposing heroic expectations with mundane reality. when he slips from Sula's hands as she swings him and he falls into the river. As a teacher, I want my students to read, write and think well; I don't care how much time they spend on their assignments. For example, he writes that (select all that apply): (1) rising temperatures are increasing the number of heat-related deaths (2) in some places, temperatures are staying in the three-digit range, even at night (3) the amount of work people can do outdoors has been reduced by ten percent (4) heat waves that used to happen once in a generation are predicted to occur for several weeks yearly, leading to mass migration and famine (5) employees have walked away from work because it was too hot to continue. The emotionally stunting effect of this treatment is plain . For that reason, she felt no compulsion to verify herself--be consistent within herself. Using the quotation above from as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. a yearly report of the president on the condition of the country original jurisdiction the power of a court to hear a case from its beginning extradition states must return an accused criminal to the state where the crime was committed judicial review the power of courts to declare laws unconstitutional (federal courts; supreme court) In a coordinated move, the McKibben-founded climate advocacy group launched its Go Fossil Free: Divest from Fossil Fuels! McKibben writes of our earth's environmental cataclysm, addressing such core issues as the greenhouse effect, acid rain, and the depletion of the ozone layer. (Remember the guidelines for writing good thesis statements that you have studied in this lesson). she doesn't want to make anybody else; she wants to make herself. --Howard Gardner, "Test for Aptitude, Not for Speed" Reprinted in Current Issues and Enduring Questions, Ed. --Jonathan T. Park, "Climate Change and Capitalism," 2015, database PDF article, p. 189 We used text analytics software to sift through 42,000 news articles about climate change between 2011 and 2015 and map the influence of the radical flank. Pay close attention to punctuation. Radical positions can go so far that they have limited effects on the mainstream, which appears to be the case for Naomi Kleins book This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate. Sylvan Barnet and Hugo Bedau, p. 23 Here is the original text from which the quotations in the options below are taken: Because it is poorly regulated, big game hunting is responsible for the decline of endangered species and congress should ban the importation of big game trophies into the United States. This means that oil drilling has a positive effect on wildlife (2) Non-sequitur: Scientists say that global warming is a problem, but I'm holding a snowball in my hand; clearly, there is no global warming (3) Straw-man: Environmental initiatives are socialist policies. Using the quotation above from an article about Sula as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. As a teacher, I want my students to read, write and think well; I don't care how much time they spend on their assignments. The novel mostly concerns the way African American communities both include and exclude those members who have violated community mores or who have become dislocated in ways that cause them to live on the moral or social margins. Bill McKibben. For example, he reports that (select all that apply): (1) destruction of habitat has made sixty percent of wildlife extinct (2) coral reefs have shrunken and will soon be even smaller, one-tenth of what they are now, (3) birds which make their homes at high altitudes are becoming extinct because of heat. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is a United Nations body which has been in existence since 1988 and which is tasked with evaluating the science connected to climate change. The soldiers carry objects that are necessary, but they also carry objects that (check all that apply): (1) are good luck charms (2) remind them of home, a junior at Mount Sebastian College, Jimmy Cross's love interest. This question is difficult to answer because rising temperatures are also affecting the places where human beings can live. probate hearing." Brief of Appellant, at 10. is set in a cemetery where Nel Wright Greene is finally beginning to mourn the death of her friend Sula Peace, twenty-five years after the fact. Question 8 Selected Answer: True McKibben writes that private companies connected to fossil fuel interests have lobbied to slow down uses of solar energy. 12). The sentence that follows was taken from the original text below: 192 books706 followers. While some readers might argue that Sylvia does not realize the importance of being humble and grounded in reality, Sylvia's determination that "ain't nobody gonna beat me at nuthin" is the key that will lead her to achieving her goals. This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate, Committee Member - MNF Research Advisory Committee, PhD Scholarship - Uncle Isaac Brown Indigenous Scholarship, Associate Lecturer, Creative Writing and Literature. she does not want to be named after the people who oppress her. Her novels reflect the workings of communities, the dilemmas faced by these families, and the problems encountered in their relationships. Here is the original text from which the quotations in the options below are taken: The following thesis statements are for literary analysis papers about the short story "The Lesson" by Toni Cade Bambara. One of the books great strengths is that it presses beyond the statistics to imagine a different way of doing things. --Joseph McLaren "Masterplots: Sula" online article, no page number (Remember the guidelines for writing good thesis statements that you have studied in this lesson). The most likely reason Jimmy Cross burns Martha's letters is that ________. When Javi drops his mother off at a church in Los Angeles offering sanctuary to undocumented immigrants, ________. Question 8 Answers:"McKibben extols the virtues of . his own biographical reality with his family, religion, and country. (5) Slippery slope: If we begin thinking that non-human species have rights, people will soon be marrying bacteria (6) False dichotomy: We either save the economy or we save the planet. With these words, environmental activist Bill McKibben launched a radical and moral broadside against the fossil-fuel industry and its contributions to climate change in Rolling Stone magazine in 2012. Conversely, the positive radical flank effect is when members of a social movement are viewed in contrast to each other; extreme actions from some members make other organizations seem more palatable or reasonable. Sula wears a purple and white belt. his father has some money left from his failed business. Its "Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5C" explains, "Human activities are estimated to have caused approximately 1.0C of global warming above pre-industrial levels, with a likely range of 0.8C to 1.2C" (IPCC, 2018, p.4). The sentence that follows was taken from the original text below: Using the quotation above as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. The following thesis statements are for literary analysis papers comparing the characters in the short stories "Pillow Talk" by Alisdair Gray and "Everything is Green" by David Foster Wallace. McKibben argues that the economic expansion of the last several decades has been misinterpreted by politicians on both the left and the right, and by a lot of economists to boot . . (5) Purpose: What are the motivations behind the writing of this text? But the environment alone may not persuade most people to consider having just one child, as eighty percent of Americans have siblings. Answer: Most sports have rules of conduct discouraging participants from unsporting behavior. (Select all that apply): (1) The novel's title is fitting because several characters undergo change or metamorphoses. This means that policies such as cap and trade, energy research subsidies, and reduction of power plant emissions should be implemented. The purpose of introductions is to capture the reader's attention and explain the main point of the essay. all of the details in the paragraph relate to the main point of the paragraph. This is a story about intergenerational trauma because (check all that apply): the children in the second part of the story are abused because of their father's trauma. Her approach to life is one of discovery. Pay close attention to punctuation and wording in the quotation. brings him rotting food, such as moldy cheese and decayed vegetables. Pay close attention to punctuation. However, scholarship in the 2010s showed that, while climate events do affect climate-induced migration, they are not the only factor: sea-level rise, higher temperatures, and disruption of water cycles, known collectively as "climate processes," are perhaps more significant push factors than climate events. (2) How trustworthy are the evaluations of the narrator? When Helene and Nel enter the train car for white people in error and the conductor asks to "get [their] butts on in" to the black train car, ________. (2) What are the effects on respiratory illness due to climate change in South Florida? McKibben argues that the ethic of many American politicians and business people is based on Ayn Rand's philosophy regarding the virtue of selfishness. Although changes in the water cycle do not always lead to migration, "the associated increase in food instability does" (Skinner, 2018, para. The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith, Hematologic or Immunologic Dysfunction (Exam, Week 5: Depressive Disorders CHP 25, Cognitiv, NURSING CARE OF CLIENTS WITH DISORDERS RELATE. This act indicates a certain ruthlessness in her character, and Eva is ruthlessly controlling, adopting three boys and giving them the same name, "Dewey," and treating them as a unit. How do the teenage girls dress when they go out together? Question 5 "McKibben argues that, starting with coastlines, parts of the planet are becoming inhabitable for humans. For example, he says that (check all that apply) A, crop fields polluted with salt can no longer be cultivated and people have had to move away B. ice melting in the coasts leaves towns, cities, and villages without protection from ocean waves Sylvan Barnet and Hugo Bedau, p. 23 Pay close attention to punctuation and wording in the quotation. (Check all that apply): (1) specific examples (2) descriptions (3) analogies (4) quotes from sources. Human activities are estimated to have caused approximately 1.0C of global warming above pre-industrial levels, with a likely range of 0.8C to 1.2C. "Morrison's novels combine psychological realism, social critique, symbolism, and the mythopoetic, resulting in a style similar to Magical Realism. numbers, quote is from paragraph 12 Although the novel is separated by chapters that indicate chronological movement from 1919 to 1965, the characters are caught in a socially unchanging reality. For decades this humane journalist-activist has been warning that our high-technology, high-consumption ways are harming nature and. If, between now and 2050, women have, on the average, half a child more than assumed in the U.N.'s medium projection, the projected number in 2050 is 10.5 billion. Federal regulations on water pollution must be stricter to protect the public from dangerous chemicals released into waterways through farming, factories, and other sources. Few tasks in lifeand very few tasks in scholarshipactually depend on being able to read passages or solve math problems rapidly. --Joseph McLaren, "Masterplots: Sula," database article with no page numbers The tension was gone and so was the reason for the effort they had made. Rural Wiltshire doesn't offer much in the way of entertainment for children. The difference between the low projection of 8 billion in 2050 and the high projection of 10.5 billion in 2050 is 2.5 billion, which was the total world population in 1950. Which is the better thesis statement? But in our study, we found the ultimate effect of their efforts was not so much financial as on the terms of the debate over climate change. The higher ups in Miami and in state government do not like to talk about it. It was in 2012 that McKibben and staked the radical flank by mobilizing students to pressure their colleges or universities to liquidate their investments in fossil fuel companies. But this is not the first time nature's meaning has changed. Socialist policies are against our democratic values (4) Ad-hominem: The president says global warming is not occurring, but how can we believe him when he eats McDonald's burgers for lunch every day? The concept of Kairos has to do with using the best argumentative approach, given the historical and social moment in which an argument is made. --Joseph McLaren "Masterplots: Sula" online article, no page number These rituals that were part of National Suicide day had not protected him from the unexpected anguish of Sula's death. McKibben writes that private companies connected to fossil fuel interests have lobbied to slow down uses of solar energy. It has become a rogue industry, reckless like no other force on Earth. I try to burrow as deeply as I can into characters. We do not need stronger EPA regulations on water quality since our water is safe and further regulations would burden farmers and small businesses. I don't come up with all good or all bad" (qtd. (Check all that apply): Who is the author of "The Things They Carried? --Maureen T. Reddy "The Tripled Plot and Center of Sula" PDF article, page 29 But, it is important to note that this works in some circumstances and not others. (Choose all that apply): examples, statistics, syllogisms, expert testimony. true McKibben argues that the reality of climate change is too far gone and that there is little hope that the human species will survive. Arguing that birds are more likely to adapt to serious climatic changes, Franzen (2015) wrote that although many birds have adapted in the past, the larger and healthier and more diverse our bird populations are, the greater the chances that many species will survive, even thrive. is ________. --Joseph McLaren "Masterplots: Sula" online article, no page number The novel presents characters who each signify an adaptation to this community, a community divided by class. First introduced by sociologist Herbert Haines in 1984, the radical flank effect refers to the positive or negative effects that radical activists can have on more moderate ones in the same cause. McKibben argues forcefully for a "World War III" type of societal and economic mobilization that would involve a massive transformation of our energy economy, with clear winners and losers. with no page numbers, quote is from paragraph 14 In Maybe One, Bill McKibben argues that the earth is becoming dangerously overcrowded, and that if more of us chose to have only one child, it would make a crucial difference toward insuring a healthy future for ourselves and our planet. " 5 out of 5 points True False. Using the quotation above as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. Sula is an independent being: "[S]he felt no compulsion to verify herselfbe consistent within herself" (Morrison 119). (Choose all that apply): (1) The fog comes/on little cat feet (2) my boss Rob was waiting for me when I showed up for work five minutes late todaythe snake! Each [character] in the Bottom has his [or her] own circle of sorrow" (Pruitt 117). However, the ending seems more hopeful for Sylvia of "The Lesson" than for Rosaura of "The Stolen Party.". Pay attention to punctuation. To prevent extinctions in the future, it's not enough to curb our carbon emissions. Using the quotation above from an article about Sula as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. Reddy argues for one possible reading of Sula as an anti-war novel (31). . This number becomes more chilling when we realize that the global population in 1950 was 2.5 billion (Cohen, 2010, p. 173). Whereas Nel has to distance herself from her mother to gain her identity, the Peace women must find ways to connect with one another. Rochelle, Helene's prostitute mother, wears a canary yellow dress. The sentence that follows was taken from the original text below: Which is the better thesis? Example: Most sports have rules of conduct. Although her works are not limited to social protest, Morrison is concerned with racial themes frequently encountered in African American literature. In fact, Morrison has said as much in an interview: "The people in these novels are complex. in McKay 420). At first, the painter thinks that Javi is there to ________. Which of the following is a metaphor? Here is the original text from which the quotations in the options below are taken: De-extinction is morally problematic, expensive, and unrealistic. Her fiction celebrates survival and defines black identity as multifaceted." "Toni Morrison's Sula begins and ends with death: The "prologue" to the novel tells of the death of both a neighborhood and its characteristic way of life, and the "epilogue," . Sula, however, is not primarily concerned with the social conflict between the white and the African American communities of Medallion. Examining the cultural context of a work can involve examining gender roles, race relations, class boundaries, and the historical time period. In these conditions, direct challenges are likely to meet unyielding resistance, while a more indirect route may create space for incumbents, such as established corporations, opinion leaders and politicians, to positively re-evaluate climate activist positions. Here is the original text from which the quotations in the options below are taken: The role of mothers in the novel is often underestimated. Using the quotation above as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. What individual items carried by the soldiers reveal their personalities? As multifaceted. cheese and decayed vegetables between the white and the problems encountered in their relationships do! Politicians and business people is based on Ayn Rand 's philosophy regarding the virtue of selfishness and... 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