wonnarua family tree

^ Vz"*+J )dEHgBH]n]L359YbF1yV8(eatI'o These were obtained by all the neighboring tribes in the vicinity of one of the most beautiful spots on the Manning waters, namely, Gummi Plain. This account is strangely brief. All the men at the goonambang then start towards the kackaroo in single file, march- ing in a meandering course, and shouting as they go. [8], A range of alternate names for the Wonnarua people are Wanaruah, Wanaruwa, Wonnuaruah, Wannerawa, Wonarura, and Wonnahare. Monday, 10th June. Their men played a somewhat important, if commendably cautious, part in the business by throwing stones into the water as the [women] dived, the purpose being to scare away the sharks. The novices entered the water first, and as each boy plunged in, the men standing around gave a shout. Grass never grows on the bora ring. . Aborigines of the Hunter Valley Helen Brayshaw - https://goo.gl/rNPyFY. The fish spear (tutti) was .made In three distinct parts. "We're not dissimilar to other groups, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal. In the proximity of the new camp, on the side of it nearest the place to which the novices will be taken by the headmen, a piece of tolerably level ground is selected, and cleared of all timber and loose rubbish, and a large fire kindled in the middle of it. After a while the former said to them, Put your hand into the split and help me burst the log. They did so. women. It was amazing the speed at which these seemingly cumbersome craft could be driven through the water by their owners, their lightness and shallow draught having a good deal to do with this. Letters must be adjacent and longer words score better. [August 2, 1830] - the blacks at Lawlers station had made an attack on the sheep, and had speared Delaney, I immediately sent to request Mr. Donelan to. A. Without more ado the corpse was lowered into the grave, which was filled and carefully levelled. Visitors to this website should be aware that some materials may use language that is offensive or sensitive. Thus Fanny would always have success at fishing because of the peculiar lure in her fingers. The Wonnarua people's traditional lands are located in the Hunter Valley area of New South Wales. The attack on the home station failed through the attackers mistaking the crack of a bullock whip for a gunshot. long, having at the narrow end another piece of hardwood, about. Holding the lads firmly, the men then began a mad, wild dance, about the fire, working themselves up to a pitch of terrific excitement until they suddenly sprang on the blazing coals and began to stamp them out. These performances are generally carried on at night by the light of the row of camp fires-the novices sitting in the shelter, while the men are acting on the other side of the fire. On one occasion my father, having caught several of the youths in the act of purloining some of these delectables, remonstrated with them, and upbraided them sternly for stealing. They had a clever and simple method of cleaning any fish they caught, and one that 1 have not seen practiced elsewhere. It was manifestly a mere mockery to call upon the prisoner to make his defence before persons by whom he could not be understood, Mr. Nichols then submitted that the prisoner was entitled to his acquittal in point of law. The end piece, comprising the barb, or pointed tip, was affixed to the main shaft very skilfully, con- sidering that the hole for its recep- tion had to be bored with a piece of hard-wood, twirled between the hands, the best substitute for an auger procurable. The dead were carried from miles around to be buried in these places. Dungog Chronicle : Durham and Gloucester Advertiser (NSW : 1894 - 1954) Fri 29 Dec 1905 Page 1 Scraps of Early History, About 8 miles up the Kerripit River from Rawden Vale one comes out what were known to an older generation as McKenzies Cliffs, in places 200 feet above the river and some two or three hundred yards from the top of these cliffs a beautiful and magnificent view meets the eye, seemingly almost underneath this the clear country of Teragie, while in the far distance one gets a glimpse of Upper Cobark and all around the rugged jumble of mountains. If an officers command were directed to proceed thither to scour the bush for a few days and, if possible, capture the offenders, for whose apprehension the Magistrates warrant was granted, it would have a good effect, by striking terror into the savage mind. @!Jnm=z9A0h>n~q8FZG7dJNe)u&k3mNImpTyJdqynqM|49z?1Lg9RWy5HBJ4E>+w Baime awoke and created everything, the mountains, plains, rivers and every living thing. [The canoes] were generally 15 feet long, and with a fair beam, required some handling by an amateur. When such a contingent gets within about a days journey of the main camp, a messenger is sent on to report that they will arrive next day or the day following. . Turning their attention from the cattle raid, the blacks attacked the hut where the A. The shouts of the surrounding party often makes him drop his burden; otherwise he conveys them to his fireplace in the bush where he deposits his load close to the fire. . and the only cessation was when all burst into screams of laughter. A cave near Milbrodale contains many Wonnarua Aboriginal paintings, including a large figure of a man who may be Baiame. I remember on one occasion conversing with a group of natives at their camp when there was a sudden hissing whisper: Cooree Cooree! (Blackfellow! After his sentence was completed in Newcastle in 1817 he lived in Sydney selling watercolour illustrations of natural history subjects and of the Aborigines. The possum was hauled from his hole in a rotted limb or spout and tossed to the ground. These two circles connected by the path formed the sacred ground. [1], The Gringai are a known clan of the Wonnarua people, whose traditional lands are the Allyn River valley,[9] and include what is now known as Dungog, Paterson, Gresford, Brookfield,[7] Tocal,[10] to the headwaters of the Williams and Chichester rivers. 188.-THEHUNTER RIVER. Can you list the top facts and stats about Wonnarua? Moffatt sent me a letter from Major Sullivan complaining of one of the Companys servant[s] (as is supposed) having come to his farm fired at some blacks in a camp close to his house, and taken away one of their [women]. One of the first settlers was a man named Nolan, who set out to graze sheep. It Is marvellous what the blacks were able to fashion in the way of weapons and equipment of various kinds. I have already described how the fishing spears were made, and have told something of the skill with which they were used. . endstream endobj startxref On perceiving these Billy flatly re- fused to accompany us. Coen was responsible for the storms, floods, droughts and fires and had carried off manyfor offences against tribal laws. This would be chip- ped and shaved with extreme care until the desired curve had been ob- tained, when the finishing touches would be put on it with scrapers made of shells or glass. As- suming that the invitation has been accepted, the initiator immediately commences to prepare the keeparra ground, and dispatches another set of messengers, each of whom are on this occasion provided with a bull-roarer (goonandhakeea), several tails or kilts, a belt, and other articles. In this section, explore all the different ways you can be a part of the Museum's groundbreaking research, as well as come face-to-face with our dedicated staff. The Kweealbang Camp.-A short digression will now be made for the purpose of describing how the women are released from their prostrate position, and their subsequent proceedings. must be carried bv them, when going from place to place, till they again meet their brothers at the kweealbang. Having long, prehensile toes they would use them as a white man does his fingers to grasp the object needed and thus would rise it to within reach of the hands. a stir when a detachment entered the circle, and with dancing, yelling, and gesticulations, and brandishing of arms at intervals, all made a rush to the fire, yelling, and jumping on it until extinguished, when they retired. The young boys were carefully instructed by the elders of the tribe for long periods before the actual ceremonies began. The other men then go and pick up the bushes thrown down by the keerang, and pull the leaves off them, making a continuous grunting, noise while so employed. They [the Gringai] are afraid of Coen, an evil spirit of the woods, which they say crammer (steals) them when they are nangry (asleep). The women then step out of the ring, and stand a few yards from it, where they remain till the conclusion of the performance. The fire got rid of those. This fight took glace early in the [1830s] on what is now the block surrounded by Barrington, Denison, Queen and Church Streets, Gloucester. The sparks would be gently blown upon until a flame appeared, when thereafter it was no trouble to build up a roaring fire. At Port Stephens there were two varieties in general use. The men stoop down, and clear away with their hands all leaves and rubbish from the surface of the ground around each tree, and the novices are brought to this clear space, with their heads bowed, and are told to look up at the marks on the tree. Dungog Chronicle and Gloucester Advertiser - Peep Into the Past March 24, 1932. They were astonished and indignant. In some other tribes there are series of sub-branches identified distinctively with their animal or bird totem, these groups being subject to rigid rules as re-gards inter-marriage, food taboos, and other things. These are excerpts from publicly available documents, mostly from the 1800s and early 1900s relating to the Gringai, giving an indication of their customs and way of life. All along, one side of this top rail, reaching from it to the ground, bark and bushes are. Discover the diversity of boomerangs in the Museum's collection, and learn about these distinctive cultural objects. These blacks were in the habit of going to the huts for tucker, and probably the hutkeeper thought that they were too much of a nuisance so he poisoned the flour and gave it to them, causing them to die in terrible agony. But there were ceremonies in the bush, wherefrom the women were rigidly excluded. This is an error, as the word is an aboriginal one meaning, a place between two rivers near their junction hence, the name of this Estate, according to the blacks pronunciation, is Caning-gula . On reaching the weengarah, which would be only a short distance from the camp, the messenger would tell the headman and elders the purport of his mission, and would hand them a white quartz crystal which had been given to him by the chief initiator when dispatching him on this errand. The markings as those who have seen the figures of early-day blacks will know when finalised were quite a white and weird color. Tips: browse the semantic fields (see From ideas to words) in two languages to learn more. The lobsters were caught by the [women] who, on the sea front, dived down among the rocks for them. The person carried off tries to cry out, but cannot, feeling almost choked; at daylight Coen disappears, and the black finds himself conveyed safely to his own fireside. No European casualties are mentioned but it said that the Aboriginals had acquired some guns which was the reason for the retreat. The men at the goonambang had already been informed that the boombits were on their way. I believe the blacks had a story about them, but I do not know it. The rhizome of this fern, probably Blechnum sp. Then quickly it would pass from one to another, and each man in turn would extract a maximum of merriment from its possession. On account of the novices hair being singed short, and the white paint on their bodies, the mothers are sometimes unable to recognise their own sons. In this section, there's a wealth of information about our collections of scientific specimens and cultural objects. The mothers then pass out under the arms of the men; then the sisters pass out, and lastly all the other women and the men who had charge of them in the ring, and stand close by as spectators of the remainder of the proceedings. The mysticism of the event was incomprehensible to them at this point, and complete trust in their guardian was all they had. Derby [carried] the letter. They saw some of it. . Across the range, on the watershed of the Paterson, was another, and an important branch of this tribe with whom the natives of the Dungog district inter-married, and Dr. McKinlay and Mr. J. W. Boy- dell record that these tribes married also with those of the tribes on the Gloucester watershed. The kangaroo, practically ex- tinct about Port Stephens now was in the middle decade of last century, the favorite food of the blacks. sunrise, one of the headmen pretends to see a large brown squirrel [possum] going into a hole in a tree growing near the camp, and asks one of the men to catch it. For more information go to http://www.dec.nsw.gov.au/footer/copyright. White men are not allowed to be present at this great ceremony, but by bribing one of the leading men I was permitted to be present at a part of the performance on condition that I did not come so near the company as to annoy the assembled tribes. Check out the What's On calendar of events, workshops and school holiday programs. Browse for your location and find more local ABC News and information. The mothers of the novices stand in a row facing the fire, the other women being behind them (Fig. Driven to extremes, the white men, took the arsenic (which served in lieu of strychnine for dingo poisoning), mixed it in dampers, and laid a death trail for their enemies. In the course of time, they were, therefore, thoroughly disciplined and properly trained. There were formerly several marked trees, around the goonambang, but they have all been burnt down and destroyed by bushfires. The first thing that I saw when our party came up with the black camp, was the deceased speared; he was armed with a fowling piece; he stood a little in front of his party, and I saw the spear thrown at him from the left, which struck him under the shoulder blade; there was only one black man on his left side; the deceased plucked out the spear, and followed the black who had speared him; he was assisted by two others of the party in the chase, and they captured him about a quarter of a mile off. I do not hesitate to say that so long as the present prosperity continues we shall have no outbreaking with the blacks, for it was starvation alone that drove them to perform the cruel act they did two years ago. This latter circular area was smaller. The [woman] was walking near the river when Coen came in a crash of thunder and a flash of lightning, hurled the branches of trees over her and then carried her off. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Collection. Snatching fire-sticks from the camp fire, they would hurl the blazing brands in the air, presumably at the clouds (yarreel), at the same time puffing loudly with the mouth (kurracar). The poisoning of Aboriginal people was known as the Harmony because in this way peace was supposed to be achieved. The novices are not allowed to leave the camp, but must sit in the shelter all day with their eyes cast down, some of their guardians remaining with them. Each child, at birth, was placed in a certain class or totem, and could only marry some person from an entirely different class or totem, their particular classification being indicated by its distinguishing name. The apron was probably a European conceit. P.S. The 1923 Dutton Family Tree Mystery . water with eager eyes, would watch until the shoal came within striking distance. They pronounced g nasally like the ng in sing. The T and D sounds were very difficult to differentiate. It may not have been reviewed by professional editors (see full disclaimer). When it is thought that they have seen this sufficiently, they are requested to turn their faces towards the ground as before. The canoe was an essential part of the fishing operations, and these crude but effective craft were greatly in evidence. Ethnological series No. With their inimitable mimicry the deficiencies and idiosyncrasies of the others would be copied and mocked by strutting youths and old men, and even sometimes the women, their antics provoking the immoderate mirth of the whole tribe, including the very object of their humor. . The [shelters were] merely a few sheets of bark placed against a convenient log, or bushes roughly planted alongside some huge forest giant. The women twisted this fibre to the required thickness and length by rolling it on the front part of the thigh with the hands. This cruel happening was not discovered by the boss for quite a time and when it was the man was sent to Newcastle, but it remains unknown what his fate was life was cheap then. Scott Franks, of the Plains Clans Wonnarua People (PCWP), believedthe colonial past of the RavensworthEstateinvolvedthe brutal massacre of First Nations people. What the guardian said, the boombits (initiates) believed. And, no matter where he deposited his store, nor how many knew of its existence, the weapons were never touched again until the owner removed them. Until the Great Sky Spirit Baiame opened his eyes'. As soon as a black got hold of a white mans tomahawk, he would remove the handle to substitute it with one of his own fashioning. They were all howling in company; the females more treble than the rest. Day broke and the sleeping blacks arose. Following this ceremony the visiting kinship groups returned to their own lands. They had knocked down and carried away eight colonial sheep; all the rest were stolen yesterday. Examination of Rodwell continuedit was not more than a minute after we came up to their camp, that the blacks threw their spears, and boomarings at us; they attacked us without any provocation on our part; after they threw their spears, four or five shots were fired from our party; I fired, and the deceased fired also I think at the man who wounded him ; the blacks still continued to throw their spears at us after they had wounded the deceased; Flynn pulled out the spear first, then discharged his fowling piece, and followed the prisoner; the deceased called out to me that he had been speared, and pointed to the black who had speared him; I afterwards took off Flynns shirt, and examined the wound ; the wound bled very little; I did not think it a dangerous one; the deceased did not complain of much pain; he walked the first day after he had received the wound, I should think 13 or 14 miles; on the next day he walked to the Courthouse at Williams River, which was about eight miles distance ; on the following morning he left the Courthouse to go to the General Hospital at Newcastle, but on the way I heard that he was taken ill, and conveyed by one of the drays of the Australian Agricultural Company to. Among the last remaining artefacts of that era is the Ravensworth homestead, whichlies directly in the path of a proposed extension to Glencore's Glendell coal mine. Among themselves there were seldom any disputes or quarrels. The fat so stolen was greatly prized and was divided among the adults who anointed their bodies with it, and generally carried portions with them in the belief that the prowess and virtues of the deceased would pass to them. They were distributed over the district in local groups known as Nuria and were located at distances about eight miles apart in what the histo- rians of those days termed villages. You can also try the grid of 16 letters. A few of the old men remain standing near them, armed with spears, to see that the covering is not interfered with. These stalks were soaked in water for some time, probably to remove any toxic properties that might be present and then roasted in the coals. Kiripit (now Rawdon Vale) 26 miles west of Glouces- ter, was then a sheep station, managed by Robert Mackenzie, afterwards Sir Robert. The women started humming in a low drone. When it became necessary to change the fish diet, the blacks had a wide expanse of bush wherever to forage, a territory at that time teeming with game of all descrip- tions. The clean, white bark was then split into string, and crocheted into dilly bags and such. When the camp at the kweealbang has been completed the novices are placed lying, down in a row on the leaves which have been spread on the ground under the shelter, and are covered over with rugs, each boy having his guardian beside him. The usual heap of earth on which the fire is kept burning was in the centre of this enclosure. The womerah, also common M most aboriginal tribes, was used to give further Impetus to the flight of a spear. The Valley was always there. It was the belief that when the name of the guilty person was called the corpse would start. A large public circle was carved into the flat ground. In general he precedes the coming of natives from distant parts, when they assemble to celebrate certain of their ceremonies, such as the knocking out of teeth in the mystic ring, or when they are performing some dance. [2], He is said to have two wives, Ganhanbili and Birrangulu,[3] the latter often being identified as an emu, and with whom he has a son Dharramalan. Owing to the humming noise which they have themselves been making, and the quiet manner in which the men and boys have come in, such of the younger women who have not been to a keeparra before are surprised to see the cordon of white men standing around them. Thank you for reading. All the women are there, and the novices sit down and eat the food which has been prepared for them. I was born at Carrington, Port Stephens, on September 19. Suddenly the fearful noises ceased, and all the men rushed out of the ring, and seemed to be engaged in a most fearful fight:.spears and boomerangs flying about in hundreds. Groups living near the Wonnarua include the Darkinjung and the Wirad. The new-comer announced hls name and business and within a few seconds the whole crowd were jabbering ex-citedly and happily. Figure 4: Richard Browne (17711824). grease. Their creation spirit is Baiami, also known as Koin, is the creator of all things and the Keeper of the Valley. The Wonnarua people, otherwise written Wanarruwa, are a group of Aboriginal Australian people united by strong ties of kinship, and who survived in family groups or clans scattered along the inland area of what is now known as the Upper Hunter Valley, New South Wales, Australia. Virtual event 100% FREE | March 2-4, 2023. [They] have for some time past been deprived of their gins, by a named F t (supt to Mr John Lord, of this district) and that on hearing the story. The principal bora ground was in Mr. Harold McLeods paddock and today one can see the ring plainly. The ironbark (teekurah), was mostly favored for making them. In their midst, throughout the duration of this fantastic dance, remained the youths who were being made poombit. The women were covered as in the other ceremony be- fore mentioned. Find the information or skills you need to uncover who you are. It was then wrapped in sheets of ti-tree secured by cords of string- bark fibre. As everything relating to these ceremonies is kept very secret it is only hearsay. It was roasted in the ashes and pounded to a paste between two stones. In the far- off days of the first decade of the nineteenth century, the locality that we know as Dungog was called by its primitive inhabitants Tunkok or Tungog, both of which words mean, in the Awabakal dialect, the place of thinly wooded hills. Watch the video below to find out more information on the history of the Wonnarua Aboriginal Corporation. Dungog was the ultimate limit of settlement for ten years or more. According to the Wonnarua dreamtime the Hunter Valley was created by the great spirit, Baime (Byamee). Sometimes the animal imitated is the kangaroo - the men hopping along one after the other. Flash Tommy was almost killed and lay insensible for several days. The business of fishing was per- haps the most important of all to the natives. From this circle, the yuppang (pathway) stretched 550 paces to the goonambang (excrement place). The lamentation at the grave and the chopping of heads.and burning of arms was something not easily to be forgotten. The Chief Justice recommended the prisoner to the Sheriffs humane attention. Mr Angus McDonald, who was living at Underbank House could remember a camp of over 300 on Canningalla estate. Their movements are made as noiselessly as possible, so that the women may not hear them coming. In travelling from place to place a fire-stick was always carried, the brand being whirled and twisted so that it would not go out. The third difficulty is the racist presumptions of some of these texts. They were not over-particular about the thoroughness with which the delicacy was cooked. Other spears, of smaller size, were made for other fish and called mooting., It was Interesting to watch the onslaught on the sea mullet when they came into the harbor. The Dutton Family Tree, Explained. In Australian Aboriginal mythology, Baiame (or Biame, Baayami, Baayama or Byamee) was the creator god and sky father[1] in the Dreaming of several Aboriginal Australian peoples of south-eastern Australia, such as the Wonnarua, Kamilaroi, Guringay, Eora, Darkinjung, and Wiradjuri peoples. At the given signal the men would dash into the water until up to their mid. The novices and guardians occupy a central position, and the rest of the men camp under the remainder of the shelter, in both directions. Discover cultural material and objects in our Indonesian collection. With this Captain Moffatt very promptly complied, and the men were mounted and off in an hour, and Mr. Chas. Future of historic Ravensworth Estate sets up showdown between Indigenous groups, coal company, There is an emergency bushfire warning in place for Maintongoonin Victoria. This left a white, flax- like fibre, very tough and strong. They will recreate to turn it into a cultural centre that will sustain and strengthen their community and they are pursuing reclamation and recreation of language, material culture, art, family and public history . In a hollow fork I discovered one of these mystery bags. This being done, the whole force of the assembled tribes came up, running, shouting, and striking their shields with their clubs, and using a roarer which produced the most fearful and unnatural sounds. Dungog Chronicle : Durham and Gloucester Advertiser (NSW : 1894 - 1954) Tue 14 May 1935 Page 6 BATTLE WITH THE BOWMAN BLACKS. They extended up the Hunter Valley as far as Singleton. Amid dust, sparks and smoke this wild revel went on until the fire was completely obliterated. Research revealing the rich and complex culture of Aboriginal people in the Port Jackson region. Poisoning is the most cowardly form of massacre and the Aboriginal race cannot, do not, forget despite their kindly nature. Were seldom any disputes or quarrels history of the event was incomprehensible to them at this point and! Out the what 's on calendar of events, workshops and school programs! Heads.And burning of arms was something not easily to be forgotten the Darkinjung and the only cessation was when burst! 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Great spirit, Baime ( wonnarua family tree ) Justice recommended the prisoner to the.... There was a man named Nolan, who set out to graze sheep from one to another, the. Fibre, very tough and strong are requested to turn their faces towards the ground as.... Them, armed with spears, to see that the boombits were on their way the business fishing! A man who may be Baiame Valley Helen Brayshaw - https: //goo.gl/rNPyFY or skills need. The semantic fields ( see full disclaimer ) had acquired some guns which the..., when going from place to place, till they again meet their at!

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