ebola virus lytic or lysogenic

Viruses form a distinct group of infectious agents that are fundamentally different from bacteria and protozoa. Lysogenic viruses typically encode themselves into the The process in which a bacterium is infected by a temperate phage is called lysogeny. Whereas chickenpox affects many areas throughout the body, shingles is a nerve cell-specific disease emerging from the ganglia in which the virus was dormant. Shigella dysenteriae, which produces dysentery toxins from the genes of lambdoid prophages, Streptococcus pyogenes, which produces a pyrogenic exotoxin through lysogenic conversion and causes scarlet fever, and c. An example of a virus known to follow the lysogenic cycle is the phage lambda of E. coli. What is the difference between the lytic cycle and the lysogenic cycle - From: null <Saved by WebKit>, null <>> Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2015 06 38 42 -0600. The pathogen releases itself from the host cell by causing osmotic lysis through the action of a pathogen-coded lysozyme. The second therapeutic target uses antibodies to keep the virus out of the cell. A virus undergoes lytic and lysogenic cycles to reproduce. The only viruses that undergo the lysogenic cycle are bacteriophages, which are viruses that infect bacteria. Causes of Ebola. In the lysogenic cycle, the viral DNA is inserted into the bacterial chromosome through genetic recombination. Next, the virus is uncoated within the cytoplasm of the cell when the capsid is removed. Not all animal viruses undergo replication by the lytic cycle. Temperate phages, on the other hand, can become part of a host chromosome and are replicated with the cell genome until such time as they are induced to make newly assembled viruses, or progeny viruses. Is influenza a single or double-stranded RNA virus? The lytic cycle is considered the main method of virus reproduction. Ebola is a highly infectious and deadly disease caused by the Ebola virus. . Retroviruses are a type of virus that use a special enzyme called reverse transcriptase to translate its genetic information into DNA. Lytic infection is one of the two major bacteriophage-bacterium relationships, the other being lysogenic infection. Once released, this virion will then inject the former hosts DNA into a newly infected host. Ebola, however, only goes through the lytic cycle - not the lysogenic cycle. What aspect of the life cycle of a virus leads to the sudden increase in the growth curve? During this type of viral reproduction, the viral DNA integrates into the host cell DNA. Lytic animal viruses follow similar infection stages to bacteriophages: attachment, penetration, biosynthesis, maturation, and release (see Figure 6.10). Main Difference - Lytic Cycle vs Lysogenic Cycle. lysogenic: [adjective] harboring a prophage as hereditary material. T-even phage is a good example of a well-characterized class of virulent phages. After replication and assembly of new virus particles, viruses are released from host cells. At this point, the prophages become active and initiate the reproductive cycle, resulting in the lysis of the host cell. The lysogenic cycle is a viral replication cycle in which the viral DNA or RNA enters a host cell and incorporates itself into the host DNA as a new set of genes known as prophage. In the lytic cycle, the phage replicates and lyses the host cell. citation tool such as, Authors: Nina Parker, Mark Schneegurt, Anh-Hue Thi Tu, Philip Lister, Brian M. Forster. The virus is transmitted. It is a member of the Filoviridae family of viruses, which also includes the Marburg virus. You can learn more about these viruses at this link. In the lysogenic cycle, the DNA is only replicated, not translated into proteins. The rabies virus, however, does not cause cell lysis during release. Lytic. Ebola virus is transmitted through direct contact with droplets of bodily fluids such as saliva, blood, and vomit. Source: I'm a Ph.D track graduate student in infectious Some bacteria, such as Vibrio cholerae and Clostridium botulinum, are less virulent in the absence of the prophage. The infectious particle, called the virion, requires the machinery of a host's living cells to reproduce. Since the discovery of the virus, the largest outbreak, which started in Guinea and spread across Sierra Leone and Liberia occurred from 2014-2016. The lytic cycle results in the death of the host cell. Continuous fever, internal bleeding, diarrhea, and vomiting can result in significant loss of electrolytes, blood plasma, and fluid. The integrated viral genome is called a provirus. Lytic cycle, compared to lysogenic cycle The lytic cycle ( / ltk / LIT-ik) is one of the two cycles of viral reproduction (referring to bacterial viruses or bacteriophages ), the other being the lysogenic cycle. Since the phage is integrated into the host genome, the prophage can replicate as part of the host. Ebola undergoes a lytic cycle a mechanism of virus replication that uses the host cell to produce new copies of viral particles and destroy the host cell's DNA. What is lytic or lysogenic? 3.The lysogenic cycle is followed by the lytic cycle, but the lytic cycle cannot be followed by . lytic cycle and the host cell is destroyed by rapidly reproducing viral particles lytic cycle and the viral nucleic acid inserts into the host cell chromosome lysogenic cycle and the viral nucleic acid inserts into the host cell chromosome lysogenic cycle and the viral nucleic acid replicates independently of the host cell chromosome Question 14 Ebola virus replicates via both lysogenic and lytic phases. Ebola virus is one of the species within the genus Ebolavirus and family Filoviridae, characterized by the long, single-stranded, and filamentous negative-sense RNA (ribonucleic acid) viruses. Document Information click to expand document information. By the end of this section, you will be able to: All viruses depend on cells for reproduction and metabolic processes. Ebola is a virus that primarily replicates through the lytic cycle. Assembly a. In the eclipse phase, viruses bind and penetrate the cells with no virions detected in the medium. It serves as the template for the new viral particles. Some viruses reproduce using both methods, while others only use the lytic cycle. the cell reproduces normally new phages are assembled from viral DNA and proteins the cell is lysed (broken open) the host is destroyed viral genes are replicated the . This unique recognition can be exploited for targeted treatment of bacterial infection by phage therapy or for phage typing to identify unique bacterial subspecies or strains. This dormant state is known as latency, and these viruses can exist in nerve tissue for long periods without producing new viral particles, only to reactivate periodically and cause skin lesions where replication occurs. Is a latent phage undetectable in a bacterium? During . There are two ways this happens: One way is the lytic cycle, and the other is the lysogenic cycle. Ebola virus is spread through direct contact with blood or other bodily fluids, such as semen, feces, or vomit, of infected persons (or animals), including close contact with deceased EVD victims, which are highly infectious. The siRNAs stick to the viral piece of RNA upon encountering it, hindering the viral RNA from replicating new viral particles. It starts by using glycoprotein to bind to the host cell's receptors. Others become proviruses by integrating into the host genome. Lysogeny is commonly characterized by insertion of the viral genome into the host . The loss of cell adhesion is profoundly damaging to organ tissues. Depending on the type of nucleic acid, cellular components are used to replicate the viral genome and synthesize viral proteins for assembly of new virions. A lysogenic virus contains RNA instead of DNA. Immune detection of the virus is reduced or eliminated. For additional information about Ebola, please visit the CDC website. . Establishment is not well-understood in herpesviruses. Ebola Virus causes and how you get Ebola. What types of training can prepare health professionals to contain emerging epidemics like the Ebola outbreak of 2014? Measles Virus: The measles virus is a negative sense, single-stranded RNA virus (-ssRNA). Uncoating and fusion The viral membrane fuses with the host cell's vesicle membrane, and the nucleocapsid is released into the cell's cytoplasm. Ebola, or the Ebola hemorrhagic fever, is a viral disease that affects humans and other primates. Bacteriophage replication (lytic cycle) 1. Do naked viruses go through the lytic cycle? It is not clear why the virus stops replicating within the nerve cells and expresses few viral proteins but, in some cases, typically after many years of dormancy, the virus is reactivated and causes a new disease called shingles (Figure 6.13). The pathogen parts assemble around the genomes. Ebola virus causes the rare but deadly Ebola Virus Disease (EVD). HIV is an example of a virus that produces a chronic infection, often after a long period of latency. The lysogenic cycle is also known as the temperate cycle because the host is not killed. Symptoms may appear anywhere from 2 to 21 days after exposure to the virus. First, the Ebola virus infects animal cells. Is measles in the lytic cycle or lysogenic? copyright 2003-2023 Study.com. Infection in the immune system's dendritic cells also means that the T lymphocytes do not signal the body of the infection, allowing the Ebola virus to replicate rapidly. Expert Answer. What is Ebola? A lysogenic virus directs the production of new viruses right away. Does Ebola respond to antibiotics or other drugs? Direct Death of the Host cell. They destroy the cell by releasing new phage particles. Lysogeny is widespread in all species of LAB, but it is best studied in the genus Lactococcus. Rabies virus particles are assembled and bud at the plasma membrane, leaving the host cell intact. Ebola is a lytic virus - it reproduces due to the lytic cycle. In this blog post, we will discuss the lytic replication cycle of the Ebola virus, including the different stages of the cycle, the mechanisms of replication, and the significance of this process in the context of EVD. It then hijacks the host cell to replicate, transcribe, and translate the necessary viral components (capsomeres, sheath, base plates, tail fibers, and viral enzymes) for the assembly of new viruses. Avoid areas with recent outbreaks as was the case with ebola and the zika virus; . The first proposed treatment focuses on inhibiting the Ebola replication process using small fragments of genetic material called small-interfering RNAs (siRNAs), designed to match a particular piece of the virus' RNA. It also targets living cells, which significantly affects the liver's ability to remove toxins from the bloodstream. This flowchart illustrates the mechanism of specialized transduction. The Lytic Cycle . What happens in the lytic cycle of a virus? A lysogenic virus does not act on bacteria as a lytic virus does. The cI protein is a repressor, and it will prevent the lytic genes from being transcribed. One of the therapeutic targets considered is the use of small fragments of genetic material called small-interfering RNAs (siRNAs) to inhibit the virus replication process. For further reading on the steps of the Lytic process, check out this article on Libretexts. The lytic cycle is the main cycle of viral replication in which the viral RNA enters the host cell, transcribes itself into the host cell's messenger RNAs, and uses them to direct the ribosomes. However, the mechanisms of penetration, nucleic-acid biosynthesis, and release differ between bacterial and animal viruses. The virus targets specific cell types, such as the liver, immune system, and endothelial cells (cells lining the blood vessels). Other nearby cells can then be infected with the virus. CHAPTER 4 Lesson 1 Virus. However, others may have ssDNA, dsRNA, or ssRNA genomes. The difference between lysogenic and lytic cycles is that, in lysogenic cycles, the spread of the viral DNA occurs through the usual prokaryotic reproduction, whereas a lytic cycle is more immediate in that it results in many copies of the virus being created very quickly and the cell is destroyed. When VZV is not latent, it is perpetually in the lytic cycle, or in other words, the host cells are always destroyed after viral infection and production. Ebola virus is transmitted through direct contact with droplets of bodily fluids such as saliva, blood, and vomit. When HIV first infects a person, it can remain dormant for months, years, or decades in the host genome. Figure 2. There, HIV remains harmless and it belongs to the lysogenic cycle. Since Ebola can be serious, prevention is essential. Entry The host cell engulfs and uptakes large amounts of nutrients, including the virus, through a wave-like or ruffling motion called. Does Ebola use the lytic or lysogenic cycle? Lytic cycle. Uncoating and fusion After the viral membrane fusion with the vesicle membrane, the RNA in the nucleocapsids are released from the vesicle. There are two licensed vaccines for the Ebola virus, according to WHO. Release Viral particles start to "bud off", where the plasma membrane wraps them until they protrude and pinch off from the cell surface. Symptoms of Ebola include fever, headache, muscle pain, weakness, fatigue, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and unexplained hemorrhage (bleeding or bruising). The RNA contains the instructions for replicating and assembling new viral particles. The Ebola virus causes the rare and deadly Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), which has an average case fatality of 50%. In a few of these cases, efforts towards naming do not appear to have been a priority within the . This releases the new virions, or virus complexes, so they can infect more cells. Is Ebola lytic or lysogenic? On September 15, nine days before he showed up at the hospital in Dallas, Duncan had helped transport an Ebola-stricken neighbor to a hospital in Liberia. As it assembles and packages DNA into the phage head, packaging occasionally makes a mistake. 4/25/2014 2 Hemorrhagic Fever Ebola Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever Ebola Found in Primates Animal-Borne Virus RNA virus Incubation - 2-21 days Fever, headache . This process can be as. It is typical of temperate phages to be latent or inactive within the cell. Although the example diagram shown below refers to a bacteriophage and not Ebola, the cycles process is similar. A vaccine for Ebola was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in December 2019. Specialized transduction occurs at the end of the lysogenic cycle, when the prophage is excised and the bacteriophage enters the lytic cycle. The COVID 19 does not integrate to the genome. The released bacteriophages can go on to infect other host bacteria. The Zaire ebolavirus, more commonly known as the Ebola virus, was linked to severe EVD outbreaks such as the 1976 viral hemorrhagic fever outbreak in Sudan and Congo. An example of this is animal herpes viruses, such as herpes simplex viruses, which cause oral and genital herpes in humans. If you travel, be aware of CDC updates on Ebola outbreaks. This change in the host phenotype is called lysogenic conversion or phage conversion. Is measles in the lytic cycle or lysogenic? An alternative mechanism for viral nucleic acid synthesis is observed in the retroviruses, which are +ssRNA viruses (see Figure 6.12). What is the difference between the lytic cycle and the lysogenic cycle. Ebola Virus HIV (AIDS) Human T-lymphotropic Virus Influenza Virus (Flu) MRSA Norovirus SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 SARS & MERS Smallpox Virus Tuberculosis Tularemia Zika Contact Us Phone 713-798-4447 Fax 713-798-5019 Department of Molecular Virology and Microbiology One Baylor Plaza MS: BCM-385 Houston, TX 77030 Related Links Does smallpox go through the lytic or lysogenic cycle? Viruses containing ssRNA must first use the ssRNA as a template for the synthesis of +ssRNA before viral proteins can be synthesized. The two main virus life cycles are the lytic and lysogenic cycles. The life cycle of bacteriophages has been a good model for understanding how viruses affect the cells they infect, since similar processes have been observed for eukaryotic viruses, which can cause immediate death of the cell or establish a latent or chronic infection. As the bacterium replicates its chromosome, it also replicates the phage's DNA and passes it on to new daughter cells during reproduction. This situation is an example of compassionate use outside the well-established system of regulation and governance of therapies. What is the difference between a contagious pathogen and an infectious pathogen? As the bacterium replicates its chromosome, it also replicates the phage's DNA and passes it on to new daughter cells during reproduction. In the lytic cycle, the phage replicates and lyses the host cell. The behavior of the Ebola virus once it enters the body helps experts determine therapeutic targets to aid in treating infected patients: The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved two treatments for the Ebola Virus Disease specifically caused by the species Zaire ebolavirus. However, if a virus contains a ssRNA genome, the host ribosomes cannot translate it until the ssRNA is replicated into +ssRNA by viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP) (see Figure 6.11). (b) After a period of latency, the virus can reactivate in the form of shingles, usually manifesting as a painful, localized rash on one side of the body. Its double-stranded DNA genome becomes incorporated in the host DNA. Entry a. Transer of the virus genome into the host target cell 3. During this time, the virus does not kill the nerve cells or continue replicating. This is called lysis and provides the name of the 'lytic cycle'. Some viruses carry out this process without destroying the cell. Lytic viruses Before entering the nucleus, the virus's host shutoff factors degrade host cell mRNA in order to halt host protein production. Or should the drugs perhaps be reserved for health-care providers working to contain the disease? In lysogeny, a virus accesses a host cell but instead of immediately beginning the replication process leading to lysis, enters into a stable state of existence with the host.Phages capable of lysogeny are known as temperate phage or prophage. The virus injects its genes into the bacterium and the viral genes are inserted into the bacterial chromosome. The lysogenic cycle is a method by which a virus can replicate its DNA using a host cell. Lysogenic cycle is a rarer method of viral reproduction and depends largely upon the lytic cycle. The Ebola virus is a long, single-stranded, and filamentous negative-sense RNA virus enclosed by nucleoprotein and other viral proteins in a helical nucleocapsid. The third stage of infection is biosynthesis of new viral components. During the eclipse phase, Duncan would have been unable to transmit the disease to others. A lysogenic virus can remain in the host DNA for a longer period without becoming active. The lytic cycle results in the destruction of the infected cell and its membrane. 1.Unlike in the lysogenic cycle, particles are present in the lytic cycle. Ebola virus is characterized by long, single-stranded, and filamentous negative-sense RNA (ribonucleic acid) viruses. Bacteriophages are capable of reproducing by either the lysogenic or lytic life cycles. Attachment is the first stage in the infection process in which the phage interacts with specific bacterial surface receptors (e.g., lipopolysaccharides and OmpC protein on host surfaces). The nature of the genome determines how the genome is replicated and expressed as viral proteins. This is done by creating antibodies that can bind to the receptors on the cell membrane, preventing the virus from attaching to the host cell's receptors and gaining entry into the cell. Ebola has a short latency period of less than a few days. The lytic cycle is named for the process of lysis, which occurs when a virus has infected a cell, replicated new virus particles, and bursts through the cell membrane. This means that its genome uses ribose instead of. 2.The bacteria is destroyed by the lysis phase in the lytic cycle, but no lysis occurs in the lysogenic cycle. It is typical of temperate phages to be latent or inactive within the cell. With a few exceptions, RNA viruses that infect animal cells replicate in the cytoplasm. Latent viruses may remain dormant by existing as circular viral genome molecules outside of the host chromosome. Answer (1 of 2): Lytic Cycle With lytic phages, bacterial cells are broken open (lysed) and destroyed after immediate replication of the virion. Consequently, the hijacking of the host cell's mechanism leads to its death or inability to function correctly. How fast does influenza virus replicate? It is caused by an infection with a group of viruses within the genus Ebolavirus: Ebola virus (species Zaire ebolavirus) INTRODUCTION. About 12 hours after infection, the viruses are released from the host cell, usually resulting in its death. If the viral genome is RNA, a different mechanism must be used. Is a virus dead when it is not in a host cell? 14 chapters | The virus is responsible for causing outbreaks in several African countries, with the most recent outbreak occurring in Uganda in 2022. consent of Rice University. The two American aid workers recovered, but the priest died. Then, it is followed by the transcription of the negative-sense RNA into seven mRNA species. Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. Since Ebola is often fatal, the panel reasoned that it is ethical to give the unregistered drugs and unethical to withhold them for safety concerns. Severe cases may eventually result in septic shock, multiorgan failure, and death. This means that once it enters a host cell, it begins using the cell's energy and resources to make copies of itself, eventually causing the host cell to burst and release new virus particles. 7. If the virus can infect human, can the same virus also infect bacteria? The Ebola virus must enter a living cell and take over its mechanism to produce new viral particles. There are five stages in the bacteriophage lytic cycle (see Figure 6.7). typically use the cell's machinery to make as many virions as Once infected, viruses can reproduce inside the host. An important exception that will be highlighted later is Influenza virus. Does Ebola go through the lytic cycle? A virus is an infectious agent that comprises a nucleic acid molecule inside a protein coat. The virus enters the body through broken skin or unprotected mucous membranes in the eyes, nose, and mouth. The phage head and remaining components remain outside the bacteria. This corresponds, in part, to the eclipse period in the growth of the virus population. The second drug, Ebanga, containing a single monoclonal antibody, was approved in December 2020. Reproductive cycles of a bacteriophage Classify each phrase as applying to the lytic cycle, the lysogenic cycle, or both types of reproductive cycles of phages. They use the host cell's cell membrane to encapsulate the encoding in the RNA, destroying the host cell in the process. Generalized transduction occurs when a random piece of bacterial chromosomal DNA is transferred by the phage during the lytic cycle. During the lytic cycle of viral replication, the virus hijacks the host cell, degrades the host chromosome, and makes more viral genomes. Lytic phages take over the host of the cell to make the phage components. During lysogeny, the prophage will persist in the host chromosome until induction, which results in the excision of the viral genome from the host chromosome. In the lytic cycle, the virus attaches to the host cell and injects its DNA. SURVEY. However, they have not yet been tested in other species under the Ebolavirus genus. The Ebola virus begins hijacking the host cell's mechanism to transcribe and replicate itself. . The viral protein 40 (VP40) and glycoprotein play essential roles in the budding stage. Explore the stages of the Ebola life cycle. Once the virus is inside the cell, other processes such as uncoating, fusion, transcription, replication, and assembly occur with the aid of several proteins. Duncan could conceivably have transmitted the disease to others at any time after he began having symptoms, presumably some time before his arrival at the hospital in Dallas. The integrated phage genome is called a prophage. The pathogen injects its genome into the host cell's cytoplasm through a hole in the cell wall or through a hollow organelle such as flagella or pili. Create your account. From here, the virus starts replicating itself and infecting the host body. School Excelsior University; Course Title MICROBIOLO micro; Type. Temperate viruses, such as bacteriophages, can undergo both lysogenic and lytic cycles, while virulent viruses only replicate via the lytic cycle. Medications for infections and management of blood pressure, fever, diarrhea, vomiting, and pain are also administered. Second, the lysogenic cycle merges the virus's genome with the host cell's genome, which is not possible for RNA viruses unless they are retroviruses. After induction has occurred the temperate phage can proceed through a lytic cycle and then undergo lysogeny in a newly infected cell (see Figure 6.8). The asexual transfer of genetic information can allow for DNA recombination to occur, thus providing the new host with new genes (e.g., an antibiotic-resistance gene, or a sugar-metabolizing gene). Single-stranded RNA viruses such as HIV carry a special enzyme called reverse transcriptase within the capsid that synthesizes a complementary ssDNA (cDNA) copy using the +ssRNA genome as a template. Lytic cycle/infection: Virus reproduction that destroys its host cell to release virion progeny. The process in which a bacterium is infected by a temperate phage is called lysogeny. Learn about its mechanism and the lytic pathway. Plant viruses may have a narrow or broad host range. In lysogenic cycles, the spread of the viral DNA occurs through normal reproduction of the host, whereas in lytic cycles, many copies of the virus are created quickly and the host cell is destroyed. CHAPTER 4 Lesson 1 Virus - Read online for free. The Influenza A virus replicates by a lytic cycle resulting in the death of the host cell. Although drugs and vaccines are already used to manage severe outbreaks, their efficacies are continuously being studied. We will also explore the impact of the lytic replication cycle on the host cells and the severity of the disease. Transcription and replication The RNA genome is then transcribed into multiple copies of viral mRNA. However, some viruses destroy host cells as a means of release. . The viruses responsible are commonly called virulent phages. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Rabies is a lytic virus, meaning that it's life cycle is as follows: attachment, entry and degradation of host DNA, synthesis of new viruses, release of new viruses (through the lysis of the cell). Viruses may infect animal, plant, bacterial or algal cells. The pathogen attaches to specific receptors on the host cell wall. Here is where the main difference between the two cycles occurs. In what two ways can a virus manage to maintain a persistent infection? The host cell continues to survive and reproduce, and the virus is reproduced in all of the cell's offspring. Textbook content produced by OpenStax is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License . The lysogenic cycle is a method by which a virus can replicate its DNA using a host cell. Further investigations revealed that Duncan had just returned from Liberia, one of the countries in the midst of a severe Ebola epidemic. It is highly contagious and spreads from contact with an infected person's or animal's bodily fluids. There are two processes used by viruses to replicate: the lytic cycle and lysogenic cycle. Entry The cell then engulfs the virus through the process called. Synthesis a. In the last stage of infection, the bacterium lyses and releases the viruses that were produced inside the cell. During dormancy, viruses do not cause any symptoms of disease and may be difficult to detect. 138 lessons. New nucleocapsids accumulate near or around the nucleus and begin moving to the host cell membrane, where they can "bud off." This, along with Duncans initial misdiagnosis, made it clear that US hospitals needed to provide additional training to medical personnel to prevent a possible Ebola outbreak in the US. They are then transported to the budding sites in the cell membrane. There are two key characteristics of the Ebola virus that reveals this. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the Ebola virus disease has an average case fatality of 50%. Is rabies single or double-stranded RNA virus? Using the host machinery tomake all of the parts of the virus 4. Attachment It attaches itself to a receptor on the host cell membrane using glycoprotein. The efficacy of the drugs was evaluated during the 2018-2020 Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The process in which a bacterium is infected by a temperate phage is called lysogeny. While some drugs have shown potential in laboratory studies and animal models, they have not been tested in humans for safety and effectiveness. Ebola is a rare and deadly virus that causes a high fever, headache, and hemorrhaging. Ebola is a rare and deadly virus that causes a high fever, headache, and hemorrhaging. Lysogenic cycle/infection: Non-bactericidal phage infection with phage genome replication but no . Here we show that viruses (phages) of the SPbeta group use a small-molecule communication system to coordinate lysis-lysogeny decisions. Describe that process. 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ebola virus lytic or lysogenic