do tensor rings really work

The Ascension Ring is that higher dimensional aspect of the Galactic Cubit. I was amazed shortly after making them. These use lasso adjusters, velcro, or other fasteners to allow the wearer to adjust the fit as needed. Advertisement. You and I are travellers of the quantum soup. Slim Spurling Re-Discovered Tensor Ring technology in 1991. When a wire is folded, twisted, and the ends meet back on themselves, they create a continuous flow of energy both ways. Slim Spurling Re-Discovered Tensor Ring technology in 1991. on Upcoming Events and Work/Trade Opportunities, on Lightworkers Academy free online workshop series, on Tales from the old paradigm- releasing systems of control, Upcoming Events and Work/Trade Opportunities, Lightworkers Academy free online workshop series, Tales from the old paradigm- releasing systems of control. It may take some trial and error to find the right fit. As a result, I began researching, buying, and experimenting with various devices which reportedly combat EMF. John Archibald Wheeler, who coined the term black hole, came up with the mathematical theory of the Tensor field, which is found inside the ring. Galactic Cubit~ Discovered by Marty Lucas and Scott Ertle. The sensation may feel good for men, but these are generally designed to stimulate a womans clitoris during sex. This reverses the polarity of the two strands and leaves you with a positive and negative end on both ends. TheHarmonyalso contains all of the Galactic frequencies and properties, so we no longer offer the Galactic Ascension Rings, as their etheric counter-parts have not been updated since their conception. Do we view $A$ and $C$ as $B$-algebras in some kind of way? If you dont see what you are looking for above, we are happy to customize something just for you! you may have artery blockages elsewhere in your body, like your heart, as vessels in the penis might also be developing blockages. The energy produced by the Tensor ring is healing for all life forms on earth. These older Rings have a measurable frequency, and are more like frequency emitting tools, where the newer higher-consciousness Rings are bringing through so much more. Brought in by a Master Dowser.77.55836 inches ~ 196.9982344 cm, Standard Teotihuacan Unit-see the Templates page for the measurements to both the Balance and Harmony and the Galactic Ascension Rings, Both Cubits above are used in ourKeys and Starbursts,and work similar to Tensor Fields in their, This is the Cubit Bill Reid uses in his version of the Starburst design, Doug Benjamins discoveries of these three Straight Line Cubits, Works as both a Tensor Ring and Straight Lined Cubit, see theTemplatespage for the measurements to both. RV coach and starter batteries connect negative to chassis; how does energy from either batteries' + terminal know which battery to flow back to? PLEASE READ! Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, Can we recover tale, fpqc etc. Thank you so much. It may be a symptom of something else or simply an indication that you need a different size or style of ring.. It was Kendall Jenners house tour with Architectural Digest that repopularised copper energy rings. I am 34 and currently having trouble maintaining an erection. Tensor Technology is based on science, but goes far beyond the current reality of most sciences. These are just awesome, I'm gobbling these up like coins in a Mario Brothers game. There are many of these Etheric Templates created at Twistedsage Studios, and by others around the world. Because cock rings restrict blood flow, its important not to wear one for longer than 20 minutes. The longer it sits inside the column, the more refined the structure becomes. When copper is heated and drawn to create the wire, the crystalline structure within the wire is aligned creates a one-way piezoelectric energy flow. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. I hear firsthand the magic and miracles, every single day, of people using the Rings with cancer, addictions, afflictions, pains and strains. Thank you kindly. I will definitely recommend these in my practice! Tensor Rings create an open space, kind It brings tranquility to the dim witted Tensor rings actually make water weigh less, indicating the formation of ORMEs in the water. Grebennikovs work supports this hypothesis as well as Muellers global scaling, where Tensor Rings emit a harmonic to a specific gravitational wave. This requires open communication. You and I are dreamers of the nexus. Tensor Rings are made from copper wire and as Jenner said, have something to do with energy. This infinite source of energy is neither electric nor magnetic and has a beneficial effect on all life forms. The Tensor field produces a measurable earth / gravity effect. However, it has really been worth it. Seller has awesome communication skills! Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Tensor Rings are truly an integration of Science and Spiritual Technologies. It took a while to find the magic combination but now that we have, it has really reduced the stress level and made for a much more natural feeling and amazing sex life. Slim Spurlings Cubit. Nov 30, 2021 at 21:45. There is a lot of fantastic observations by people from all walks of life, the world over, with the Rings. The ancient Egyptians used the term Cubit as a measure of length. Several Cubits have been found that were used to align and construct Sacred Sites around the globe, yet only a dozen or so Cubits are known to create Tensor Fields at this time. Be cautious that you don't get some skin pinched in one if it is a "split ring". Why does the tensor product of rings correspond to the product of their spectra? i had to have a coronary bypass a few years after i lost my erection. 4 , Tensor Train decomposition represents a higher-order tensor as a sequence of lower-order cores, where the first core and the . But it is the higher Soul connecting clearing activating and healing work that I am the most passionate about. The idea behind fidget rings for anxiety is similar to fidgeting. out to a parallel universe in New Jersey. The ring has a really nice calm and grounding feel to it so I have been using it during meditation as well! Tensor Fields produce a measurable gravitational effect. "There is zero evidence to suggest that magnetic rings, or similar magnetic devices, aid in weight loss," Cardel says. Research has shown that fidgeting lowers cortisol, the stress hormone, clears our heads, and improves memory. A recent bio-feedback study with the Cell Phone Tab shows that using a smart phone with the Cell Tab affixed to the phone case, aligns Chakras and energy bodies, as well as makes organs function better. Love my ring. Tensor Technology is known for its use in healing, stimulating and restructuring water, stimulating plant growth and vitality, keeping bees, contact with the invisible, and thousands of other possible applications. $A\otimes_B C$ does have a structure of $B-$algebra. They may be the simplest, most efficient source of energy there isgathering it and condensing it freely from space.. 333 MHZ Cubit~ Changes the color of sound and works well with Sound Healing. Dangers and risks of belly button piercing. 188 MHZ Cubit~ Synergizes well with the 144 and 177. Hope is a constant. To learn more about the science behind the rings why and how they work, click here. Tensor Rings stabilize the bio-magnetic psychic It is because of the Etheric Template that houses the consciousness of electricity, the Earth, and the Earth elementals, which allows these Rings to function the way they do. $\require{AMScd}$ I was living in an apartment complex at the time and was being bombarded with EMF. $X=\operatorname{Spec} A,Y=\operatorname{Spec}B$, $X \times_Y Z\cong \operatorname{Spec}\left( A\otimes_B C \right)$, $(a\otimes c)\cdot(a'\otimes c')=(aa'\otimes cc').$, $$ b(a\otimes c)=(ba\otimes c)=(a\otimes bc)$$, $\operatorname{Spec}(A\otimes_B C)\to \operatorname{Spec}(B)$, \begin{CD} Remember: the fit should be snug but not uncomfortable. Not at all. Tensor Rings are truly an integration of Scientific and Spiritual Technologies. The Ascension and the Harmony contain all the frequencies and properties of the older Cubit measures. After 24-48 hours, the container with the Ring above it becomes measurably lighter (the difference in weight is dependent on the type and amount of minerals or salts in the water that can enter a high- spin state). \operatorname{Spec}(A\otimes_B C) @>{}>> \operatorname{Spec}(C)\\ A recent bio-feedback study with the Cell Phone Tab shows that using a smart phone with the Cell Tab affixed to the phone case, aligns Chakras and energy bodies, as well as makes organs function better. Tensor Rings are based on made-up We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Cock rings cannot help you avoid pregnancy in any way. 144 MHZ Cubit~ based on the Royal Cubit, which comes from the Kings Chamber of the Great Pyramid. Possible uses ofteleportation and tornado wrestling. Design by IDEALabs. Restructuring frequencies known and unknown, to be beneficial. The Tensor tools function on more than just the physical plane, which is why they appear to work on health issues that stem from a persons energy bodies, such as the emotional body where stressors manifest into the physical as such things as cancer. The universe is bursting with morphogenetic fields. plausible or real and has no beneficial effect whatsoever! 24 year old cannot maintain an erection to penetrate partner, Foreskin retraction during intercourse for greater sensitivity for the woman, my boyfriend can't maintain erection during sex, after ejaculation why do i quite quickly lose my erection, i, i cannot maintain an erection when i try to physically stimulate myself. The field the tensor rings produce transmutes the frequency of EMF. The Water Ring is another specialized Etheric Template anchored into the physical, which works with the consciousness of water. What Causes Erection Problems? Although you may not realize it, you are unlimited. \end{CD}. I personally have found that the only thing that works for me is the vacurect brand pump with a very tight ring. The tornado field always travels toward magnetic North. Oh wait they're all dead. to the Spurling Rings, as the Tensor Rings emit a harmonic to a specific gravitational wave. They are sold by 'plastic shamans', people passing themselves off as gurus or spiritual leaders without any genuine connection to the cultures they claim to represent (think Egyptian). Get some of these awesome rings. (c)2018-2021 Crystalsound energy products. The duo believed that the tensor field was actually why soapy liquid created a film when a loop came into contact as it clung to the field within the loop. John Archibald Wheeler, who coined the term black hole, came up with the mathematical theory of the Tensor field, which is found inside the ring. The Tensor tools function on more than just the physical plane, which is why they appear to work on health issues that stem from a persons energy bodies, such as the emotional body where stressors manifest into the physical as such things as cancer. Some may also have little vibrators to increase pleasure for you and your partner. These energy protection copper rings can structure water, increase food shelf life, and neutralize 5G radiation. Thanks but how are $ba$ and $bc$ defined? Use the least constrictive size that still stays on and helps maintain your erection. As Tenor Rings come in a number of sizes from big to small, it allows you to use them in a number of ways. The Tensor Rngen are available in three different Cubit sizes, which can be used on their own, but also work very well together as a unity / three unit. This requires a lot of caution and diligence on the part of me and my partner. However, it has really been worth it. This is because of two reasons: Mood rings react to external temperature and not just to the temperature on your finger. morphisms $\operatorname{Spec}(A)\to \operatorname{Spec}(B)$, then there is a ring map $B\to A$ in the category of rings, which is equivalent to $A$ having a $B-$algebra structure. About 5 years ago, I took all the premedical prerequisitesand with that, I took a lot of physics and chemistry courses. As always well packed and super quick shipping. I actually fought the smart meters on my home. But it is the higher Soul connecting clearing activating and healing work that I am the most passionate about. Two interviews on the Tensor Rings The first video is an older interview which talks about Tensor Rings. Wheeler called the field created by the loop a tensor field. Is the underwear you are wearing causing your erectile dysfunction? Let us look into acupressure to see how it works and understand how the weight loss rings are designed to work. I have had two people now approach me saying they have bought tensor rings from someone else They made the ring to fit the person This is a huge mistake If these rings are not made to. it's on the internet! stream restructuring through small rings to do the power pipes. PHOENIX, AZ - Does this guy really work for ADT? I hear firsthand the magic and miracles, every single day, of people using the Rings with cancer, addictions, afflictions, pains and strains. We would like to discuss the possibilities. Further evidence is revealed by Pangman and Evans: Place two equal volumes of water in identical containers on a balance scale so that they are equally balanced. honor ancient Egyptian wealth and con the public, term Rubic is used with Tensor Rings. Can't get, maintain, or prep erectionHELP! When cut to precise measurements, the twisted crystalline copper creates an antenna. Pieces of copper claimed to be magic by New Age religious fanatics. 177 MHZ Cubit~ aka Lost Cubit. The newer Tensor Rings are unlike any of their predecessors. @VVV @VVV\\ Activates the Sacred Heart and the Quantum Mind. These precise measures are call Cubit measures. Wheeler called the field created by the loop a tensor field. We are seeing that the Rings are created on a higher plane, and anchored into the physical through the Sacred measurements, or Cubits. The888 Seriesthen came along and took everything even higher (while still grounding in all ways). Just place one on a finger, and when you feel anxiety, concentrate on rolling the beads or twisting the band. \operatorname{Spec}(A) @>{}>> \operatorname{Spec}(B). The mechanics of an O-ring are relatively simple; here's how they work: The O-ring is manufactured alongside (usually) metallic hardware to fit perfectly within the glad of the assembly. Creates a higher connection.. Metatron brings through geometries that have never been here before. They purify energetically but not physically; tap water is altered in 10 minutes, reaching the highest potency after 8 hours under the ring. You be the judge. Who knows. (Insert more new age bullshit here). The measure we use in the Water Ring. They may be the simplest, most efficient source of energy there isgathering it and condensing it freely from space.. Cosmopolitan: Can You Use Cock Rings for Stronger Orgasms?, Food and Drug Administration: Center for Devices and Radiological Health: Class II Special Controls Guidance Document: External Penile Rigidity Devices., Journal of Pharmacy: Successful Removal of Metal Rings Causing Penile Strangulation., Mayo Clinic: Erectile dysfunction: Nonoral treatments., Mens Health: How Penis Rings Can Help You Have Better Sex., Self: How to Clean Your Sex Toys So You Can Use Them Safely.. Do German ministers decide themselves how to vote in EU decisions or do they have to follow a government line. This is the story that inspired me to start making and selling tensor rings. Crystal Sound, a team who make Tensor Rings in The Netherlands, recommend using the rings in the following ways: Put a ring on your head to relieve headaches Place a ring on your stomach to relieve abdominal pain The field the tensor rings produce transmutes the frequency of EMF. I have seen a lot of people claiming that tensor rings eliminate EMFs but that is simply not true. You feel anxiety, concentrate on rolling the beads or twisting the band the Kings Chamber of the two and... Vibrators to increase pleasure for you and your partner I 'm gobbling up! @ > { } > > \operatorname { Spec } ( B ) the two strands and leaves you a! On a finger, and experimenting with various devices which reportedly combat EMF connection.. Metatron brings through geometries have! 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do tensor rings really work